Social Service  

BBCA does its social services through the Boro Baptist Aid and Development (BBAid). It gives professional inputs into social development and humanitarian responses of the BBCA without discriminating cast, creed and color. Through this agency, the Association works other Christian relief organisations and galvanizes the member churches for developmental and relief works.

It reaches out to the needs of the wider communities during calamities on its own and in partnership with other organisations, providing manpower, money and materials.

Activities Performed by BBAid:

  • Relief Service: Assam, particularly Lower Assam, is a disaster-prone state, both natural and man-made. Keeping in view of that, BBCA through its development agency (BBAid) collects funds from the member churches and well-wishers every year and utilizes the same during disaster for the help of disaster-stricken families. Through this agency, the BBCA also networks with other Christian Organisations for the disaster relief activities.
  • Economic Development Programs: As agriculture is the main occupation for the people of Chirang District and contributes a major part in the district economy, BBAid uses to organise farmers' training in collaboration with District Agriculture Office and KVK from time to time in different locations of the district and train them about the scientific method of cultivation and adoption of new technologies. It also conducts trainings and seminars on Livestock Management and Care, SHG management & Micro Finance Trainings, Etc.
  • Skill Development Training: Skill Development is imperative to adapt, survive and succeed. Knowing this, for the development of skill sets and to add values for the career development of individuals, BBAid identifies needy educated youth and provides skill development training like computer, tailoring, etc.
  • Social Welfare/Development: For improvement the wellbeing of every individual of society and help him/her reach his/her full potential, efforts are being made to organise various developmental programs such as Awareness on Child Right, Child Marriage, Child Labor, Gender Discrimination, Child Care, SHG Trainings, etc.
  • Educational Development Programs: Realizing that education is very important tool for everyone to succeed in life and get something different through it, we provide opportunity for education to orphan and needy children through school education.
  • Environmental Awareness Programs: As our natural environment is degrading day by day due to human's indiscriminate actions; through this agency, BBCA organizes different environmental awareness programs to make the community aware about anthropogenic degradation and use the natural resources with care and concern.

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