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One of the First Church Of BBCA

BBCA is a registered Baptist Denomination in the state of Assam (North East India). Established in 1927 by the American Baptist Missionaries and later nurtured by ABMS (now Global Interaction). It consists of 219 Churches and Fellowships with a total population 35000 above and 18000 baptized members. BBCA is working partnership with the likeminded churches and organizations in Church growth and community development ventures to bring transformation in the lives of people, spiritually and economically.


To present the Good News cross-culturally, produce dynamic and transformational leaders, and extend welfare to the less advantaged of the community.


Boro Baptist Church Association is committed to raise up and build Christ centred churches and the kingdom of God through recruiting, training, nurturing, sending, praying and sharing the Good News.


“Arise and Build” Nehemiah 2:18


  • To promote Christian love, close understanding and unity of the constituent bodies in faith, fellowship and worship.
  • To make every church a disciple making church
  • To establish self-supporting, self-propagating and Bible based Baptist churches.
  • To initiate, establish and promote health care and engage in charitable and public welfare activities to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the society for a healthy living.
  • To educate students for the service of God and be effective future leaders.
  • To reach out to every Youth and Children with the gospel of Christ.
  • To establish and promote sound Christian homes.
  • To establish and conduct denominational schools, colleges and hostels.
  • To work in partnership with other churches and likeminded organizations for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
In-depth Bible Training 2019

10 days Bible Training 2019

92nd Annual Conference 2019

92nd Annual Conference

92nd Annual Conference 2019

92nd Annual Conference

Bhutan Prayer 2019

Bhutan Prayer 2019 (Zomduar)

Bhutan Prayer 2019

Bhutan Prayer 2019 (Zomduar)



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